The University of Miami Hurricanettes will be hosting in-person auditions at the Knight Center for Music Innovation Rehearsal Center- Hormel Stage. The audition will consist of three rounds over the course of a two-day weekend, starting Saturday, April 12, 2025, with finalists continuing on to Sunday, April 13, 2025.
The link to register should be correct as I already updated the link.
The schedule tab can stay the same but the dates need to be updated to Saturday, April 12, 2025 and Sunday, April 13, 2025. and registration should begin at 4pm.
Two pre-tryout clinics will be offered and are highly recommended for your audition preparation. You must use the link below to register for auditions. Requirements as well as a detailed breakdown of the audition schedule can be found below as well.
The Hurricanette Dance Line consists of 15-20 members. Returners are required to re-audition every year and are not guaranteed a spot on the team.